code of conduct — Laney Athletics

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code of conduct

Athletics are high visibility. Laney College student-athletes are expected to exhibit the highest levels of behavior and decorum at all times. This applies both on and off the field as well as on and off campus. Student-athletes should adhere to the following rules and standards of conduct:


  • Be on time for everything.

  • Take care of equipment and facilities.

  • Exhibit sportsmanship at all times.

  • Follow all team rules.

On Campus

  • Treat instructors, staff, and classmates with respect and courtesy.

  • Take academics seriously.

  • Arrive to classes on time and do not leave early.

  • Be prepared for classes at all times.

  • Student-athletes should not all sit together in class.

  • Sit in the front, be attentive, take notes, and engage in class dialog.

  • Notify your instructor in advance, when competition or travel requires you to miss class.

  • Discuss with your instructors, prior to competition or travel, as to how you will complete all missed assignments.

  • Never be academically dishonest.

On and Off Campus

Student-athletes may be suspended or dismissed from participation for any of the following:

  • Arrest for any crime other than minor traffic offense

  • Harassment directed toward any person or group

  • Hazing

  • Lewd or obscene behavior

  • Use/possession of chewing tobacco or tobacco

  • Possession of illegal drugs and/or alcohol abuse

  • Fighting

  • Theft or burglary

  • Gambling or bribery

  • Any conduct that is detrimental to Laney College, Laney Athletics or the Peralta Community College District

Violations of the Code of Conduct can lead to suspension or dismissal from athletic competition as well as further disciplinary action from the college.

First Offense - may result in suspension from the next contest or dismissal from the team depending upon the severity of the misconduct and surrounding circumstances.

Second Offense - May result in suspension from multiple team contests or dismissal from the team.

Subsequent Offense - Dismissal from the team.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the Laney Code of Conduct.